Ah, summer–why you so busy? I relish summer because I am NOT a cold weather person and generally spend December through April pretty much in hibernation, but the speed with which summer weeks seem to speed by is kind of depressing in its own right. I feel like I haven’t had time to catch a […]
Social Media: What’s Working for Your Association?
This week I’m headed to sunny Norfolk, VA to attend the CESSE Annual Meeting. I’m looking forward to seeing some old friends and making new ones, and especially to getting to see Beth Kanter and hear her talk about networked nonprofits. If you’re there, please be sure to find me and say hi! In a few weeks […]
Bye Squarespace–Mizz Information Has Moved
Long story short….Mizz Information has moved (again). This site isn’t going anywhere (for now) but new Mizz Information posts will be going on MizzInformation.com. I hope to see you over there! If you subscribe via email, you should still get new posts, but if you subscribe in a reader, you’ll need to update the feed […]
Goodbye Squarespace–Welcome to Mizz Information 3.0
I know all of you have spent the beginning of your summer obsessing over Squarespace’s shortfalls and building new websites in WordPress, because…summer, right? Well, sadly, I’m nerdy like that so that’s exactly what I have spent a decent chunk of my summer doing so far. I’ve blogged before about Squarespace and some of my […]
What Associations Can Learn from Reddit’s Volunteer Moderator Revolt
According to MGI’s 2015 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report, more and more associations are tying member retention to private online communities, citing that “for associations reporting more participation in their private social network, 53% report an increase in membership over the past year, compared to 22% whose membership declined.” Not bad, right? Not to be all […]
Pros and Cons of Periscope for Associations
I just returned from Association Media & Publishing’s Annual Conference, which was awesome. I learned a ton, met some great new people and enjoyed being back in the association media community. I was also lucky to hang out with cool friends like Monica Bussolati, who thought we should experiment with Meerkat and Periscope to livestream parts of […]
Going to #AMP15? I am!
One of the things I love most about working for associations is not being limited to one specific job track. Over my association career, I’ve done pretty much everything, spanning from administrative work to editorial to meeting planning to marketing to web management to social media and community management to marketing to fundraising to…pretty much […]
No Web Designer? No Problem: 5 Free Web Design Resources
One of the best things about working for a small staff association is that I get to do so many things–some of which I still have a lot to learn about. Web design is definitely one of those things. While I know plenty about some aspects of web development, design is one thing I have […]
Five Cool Tools for Small Staff Associations
If millennials get a bad rap for job-hopping, apparently I was born ahead of my time given my track record over the past several years. In the past year and a half I’ve cycled through five jobs, finally landing at what I hope is my final destination for a long, long time (knock wood). I […]
Reason One Billion Your Association Community Shouldn’t Live on LinkedIn
Despite all evidence to the contrary given my lack of posts over the past months, I’m still here. And yes, I’m still obsessed with the same issues, if maybe a tiny bit less since I just spent the last year working outside the association world. But it seems like no matter how hard I try […]