A few months ago I did a presentation about social media analytics for associations. Then Peggy Hoffman asked if I’d come talk about it again at an ASAE Idea Swap in MD, so I spruced up the resources I’d shared a few months ago…and figure I may as well share them here as well. I […]
Should Associations Have a “Guru” Track?
My husband excitedly forwarded this article to me this morning, exclaiming “a career track for you!” He’s referring to the fact that I’ve always said–and continue to say–that I intend to somehow keep moving up the career and salary ladder but that I have no desire to manage people. Ever. He, and others, have always […]
Associations With Engaged Communities Have Higher Retention Rates
If you read this blog, you know I’m obsessed with two things: associations and community management. I’ve been happy to see a slight uptick in associations hiring community managers this year–although salaries seem to be significantly lower than the average salaries reported in the Community Roundtable’s recent salary survey (the average salary for community manager is almost $70k; […]
Why Community Manager Should Be Your Association’s Next Hire
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged about my favorite topic, association community management, right? I’m not currently working in the association world, but I still strongly believe in the importance of associations and can’t help but think “how does this apply to associations” when I read pretty much anything. This was especially true when […]
5 Trends Impacting Association Social Media in 2014
Even though I’m not working in the association space right now, I still have strong emotional ties to the association world and am happy when I have a chance to step back into that world. Last Friday I had one of those chances, moderating a panel about association social media at an Association Trends Live […]
What Online Communities Can Learn About Events from DashCon
If you read this blog, you already know I’m kind of obsessed with the topic of online community, particularly where associations and online communities intersect. I’ve written before about how online communities present a real threat to associations because they allow people to connect around a common industry or interest without all the governance stuff, […]
Who’s Responsible for the Facebook Research Scandal? An Association Journal
By now, you’ve undoubtedly read about the fact that Facebook is using us all as lab rats. Shocker, right? That’s just Facebook for you, just one more “oops” in the never-ending parade of privacy breaches. But esteemed scientific professional societies know better, right? Well, sadly, it appears that, at least in this case, they do […]
My Cyber Awakening
As I mentioned in my last post, I recently started a new job, a large part of which is covering tech and cybersecurity issues. After five years of obsessively focusing on social media and community management, it’s an interesting change and fun to be learning so much. At the same time, though, it’s kind of […]
What does the collaborative economy mean for associations?
I’ve been reading and thinking about the collaborative economy for a while now, and of course can’t help but wonder what it means for the association industry. Never heard of “collaborative economy”? Jeremiah Owyang defines it in this post: “the Collaborative Economy enables people to efficiently get what they need from each other.” Going by […]
How to Showcase Online Community Wins for Membership Marketing
Reading this article about Sermo, an online community for physicians, reaching 260,000 members, a part that jumped out at me was this one: “Over the years, physicians collaborated on tens of thousands of cases and although many successes go unreported, over 50% of iConsult cases posted are “Solved on Sermo.” Our average solve time is […]